Saturday, December 27, 2014

Night Class (Night of Saturday, December 27, 2014)

Significant Events of the Day:

Laid out the dollhouse furniture and made a dollhouse pattern for hand-knitting. I mapped out the rooms and areas of the house to correspond to dimensions of the human psyche.

Retrieved my hand-knitting materials. I had yet to identify appropriate threads.

The granddaughters and I decided to watch Dare to Dream on Tuesday rather than tomorrow.

Found my two LOTR lunchboxes and gave those to Aubrey, since she already has the Gandalf action figure in a glass vitrine and the framed Legolas poster.

The Dream:

I am teaching a class on creativity on the second floor of the old Bellarmine Hall. My students are comprised of former "Writing from The Heart" participants, former schoolmates, and young people whom I have never seen before.

The lesson for the day is on perspective, which I begin teaching by taking small, three-dimensional models of Renaissance panels: one has one window, the other, two, the last, three. I drape two models at a time and ask the class why only one panel should be exposed each time. No one can answer. N. raises his hand; he is a brilliant director and I know that he will give me an excellent answer. I give the floor to him and ask him to illustrate his answer on the blackboard. He makes a colored-chalk drawing, however, of the cover of a book.

A young woman comes in late. She is dressed wearing a deep-bronze-colored satin dress. She explains that she was in one of the university classes that I taught. I say that I do recognize her, except that she used to dress in denims all the time. She is flustered and embarrassed.

After the class N. offers to give me a ride home. It takes me time to pack my things. I go down the building and see that I am in the front driveway of the Grade School. N. is waiting for me. He asks me where I want to be dropped off. I reply, "You can drop me off anywhere," but I am hoping that he will take me to the front door of my house.

At the end of the dream I am all alone, waiting for a bus that will take me to another workshop I am conducting. The sky is overcast, the wind is strong, and I fear that a storm is coming soon.

My Notes:

My psyche is telling me to write more books rather than devote my time completely to conducting workshops.

The three-dimensional models bridge to the dollhouse furniture I was laying out.

From a precognitive point of view (the dream was about perspective after all), it seems that various people from my past will gather for a workshop I shall conduct for them. However, I was indeed conducting a workshop in the astral dimension while the participants were actually with me in their dreaming states.

I also cannot help but feel that there is some kind of warning about the weather, something terrible and unforeseen.

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