Saturday, December 27, 2014

Tony Perez's Art of War: Show Your Enemies A False Pasture

Mislead your enemies by showing them what pasture you appear to be on. They will covet the same location and jump in while you nimbly hop onto your real, greener pastures.

Examples of how I have done this:

--Appearing to take an interest in child psychology, to the extent of maintaining a column on child psychology in a magazine. During this time a lot of people ventured into the field, investing their time and their efforts in obtaining degrees and afterward getting stuck in school-based, counseling jobs. Little did they know that I was really exploring psychology in the service of creative writing.

--Appearing to take an avid interest in television and the movies. While other people jumped onto the bandwagon of commercial writing, I steadfastly produced literary works, and will continue to do so.

--Appearing to enjoy weekly column writing for a broadsheet. This became hard work after a time and prevented me from doing other, more interesting projects. I did it long enough for others to be attracted to it like moths to a flame. Now that they are churning out ephemera, I can write all the novels I want. As a matter of fact, I can write anything I want whenever I want, without press deadlines.

--Appearing to be obsessed with communicating with spirits. You'll be surprised at the huge number of "psychics" that cropped up. They're spending days and nights with this thankless activity, while I boosted my antique and jewelry collections and renovated my house.

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