Sunday, March 8, 2015

Your Hangout message:

"Hello Sir Tony!  This is what I missed when you were still on FB, your birthday messages to your followers.  Its my birthday today and I just want to know if my plans will push through this year and if I will be able to  shift to a new job soon.  Thank you and more blessings to you."

My reply:

Hello _______!

First of all, Happy Birthday!

Second, your plans and your decision to shift to a new job are pretty much up to you. Never depend on psychics or fortune tellers to give you sneak previews of what lies ahead of you. I am certain that God never meant things to work out that way. It also takes away the excitement, your acceptance of the awe-inspiring unknown, and, most importantly, your initiative.

If I said that your plans will not push through and that it is unwise to shift to a new job soon, you would go into a mild depression, lie back, perhaps weep, and lose your appetite for living.

If I said that your plans will push through and that it is wise to shift to a new job soon, you would drop on a couch, go Garfield, and let things happen while you slouch back watching.

Your plans will push through if you work hard to make them happen.

Ask yourself if it is wise or unwise to shift to a new job soon, and follow your head.

I will, instead, give you the usual five birthday messages:

1) You work not only for yourself but for someone you love.
2) Live within your means. It is not a disaster if you cannot afford to buy everything that you want.
3) Be loyal to yourself, not to a lover.
4) The people who really love you are the members of your family.
5) Do not splurge on something that you will later regret having bought.

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