My on-line journal: continued from (July 17 - December 18, 2014)
Go GREEN. Read from THE SCREEN. |
Jalan-jalan in Chinatown, Singapore, December 2, 2014

Photo by Sim Teow Li
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Knitting in the small loggia. It is extremely chilly. The sky is as gray as an airplane wing, and it hasn't stopped drizzling since the morning. I prefer to be out here, however, and not in a warm place. I am reminded of my first ferry boat ride to Marinduque, when the weather was also like this out at sea. Sitting on the deck, I felt like I was looking out onto the beginning of time, and conversing with strangers about the mythology of Marinduque made everything a magical experience.
Happy Birthday, A.!
Here are your messages on this day:
1) When your family demands more than you can give, it is because they have more realistic priorities.
2) A child is in some kind of danger or precarious situation. It primarily feels unloved.
3) Change careers only when you are absolutely sure of the career you are switching to.
Here are your messages on this day:
1) When your family demands more than you can give, it is because they have more realistic priorities.
2) A child is in some kind of danger or precarious situation. It primarily feels unloved.
3) Change careers only when you are absolutely sure of the career you are switching to.
The Comebacks (Night of December 31, 2014)
Significant Events of the Day:
I was knitting most of the day.
At the stroke of twelve I went out on the driveway. A male neighbor hugged me. A female neighbor kept looking at me as though she wanted to hug me but was too shy to do so.
Uploaded more photos.
An avalanche of play manuscripts from Singapore came into my e-mail Inbox.
The Dream:
I am traveling with X, a former female student. We check into a hotel and sleep in the same room. Before going to sleep she reminds me that I promised to give her a book and that I promised to give another book to Y, a former male student. In the dream she gives me the titles of the books but I cannot recall them now.
We go to my house. It is as the house used to look 20 years ago: the library is on the upper floor. Y is there waiting for us. I find the book that X wants. I also find the book that Y wants, but he asks me for another title instead--a title I seem reluctant to give.
My Comments:
Parts of this dream were triggered by the following incidents:
During the ice show at Araneta Coliseum, a strange woman gave me lingering looks. I smiled at her and she smiled back. This, coupled with the female neighbor who I thought wanted to hug me, bridge to X and our sleeping in the same hotel room.
X and Y summarize all of the students I've ever had in the past. There was always the idea that I'd "promised" to give them something, and that they'd always wanted much more than what I gave.
I would consider this dream an astral visitation if not for the triggers and bridges.
I awakened from this dream thinking about X and Y, and how they also summarize my relationships with females and with males.
I awakened also thinking that my New Year dream is probably a warning from my psyche that I should not let former students in magic come near me again.
I was knitting most of the day.
At the stroke of twelve I went out on the driveway. A male neighbor hugged me. A female neighbor kept looking at me as though she wanted to hug me but was too shy to do so.
Uploaded more photos.
An avalanche of play manuscripts from Singapore came into my e-mail Inbox.
The Dream:
I am traveling with X, a former female student. We check into a hotel and sleep in the same room. Before going to sleep she reminds me that I promised to give her a book and that I promised to give another book to Y, a former male student. In the dream she gives me the titles of the books but I cannot recall them now.
We go to my house. It is as the house used to look 20 years ago: the library is on the upper floor. Y is there waiting for us. I find the book that X wants. I also find the book that Y wants, but he asks me for another title instead--a title I seem reluctant to give.
My Comments:
Parts of this dream were triggered by the following incidents:
During the ice show at Araneta Coliseum, a strange woman gave me lingering looks. I smiled at her and she smiled back. This, coupled with the female neighbor who I thought wanted to hug me, bridge to X and our sleeping in the same hotel room.
X and Y summarize all of the students I've ever had in the past. There was always the idea that I'd "promised" to give them something, and that they'd always wanted much more than what I gave.
I would consider this dream an astral visitation if not for the triggers and bridges.
I awakened from this dream thinking about X and Y, and how they also summarize my relationships with females and with males.
I awakened also thinking that my New Year dream is probably a warning from my psyche that I should not let former students in magic come near me again.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Asif, our Indonesian neighbor, passed by the small loggia where I was knitting. He asked me how I am celebrating the New Year. I replied that I don't (ever since my two boys grew up, which was years ago). As for himself, he is going to a friend's house where they will be lighting firecrackers. He is married to a Filipina and has taken on a lot of local customs.
Discovered NCIS: New Orleans on Fox last night. Most of the scenes were shot in the Garden District (the rich district) rather than the French Quarter (where the "poor", the artists, the writers, and the musicians are). I must catch more episodes, hoping to be more inspired in developing my Cubao New Orleans French Quarter house.
Arrived home from Dare to Dream a.k.a. Magical Ice Festival with sister Alice and granddaughters. Early dinner at Cafe Adriatico and dessert at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, which, as far as I am concerned, makes the best pastries for coffee. We were in the Upper Box Premium Section and, unfortunately, I still haven't learned to use the zoom function in my camera.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Sunday, December 28, 2014
When at the dentist's or undergoing surgery, calm and center yourself by means of the following:
--Imagine yourself as a tiny grain of sand on a vast beach
--Imagine yourself standing in front of a huge, metropolitan nightscape; look into the tiny windows of the tall buildings and watch other people going about their lives.
--Imagine yourself as a tiny grain of sand on a vast beach
--Imagine yourself standing in front of a huge, metropolitan nightscape; look into the tiny windows of the tall buildings and watch other people going about their lives.
Your Hangout Message:
"Hi sir! How can I eliminate negative thoughts, and throw away the negative vibes? Thank you for taking time sir!"
My answer:
Hi _________!
Simply replace them with positive thoughts, which will then attract positive vibes.
You could also switch, however, to Pepsi Max--the drink of psychics. Joke!
"Hi sir! How can I eliminate negative thoughts, and throw away the negative vibes? Thank you for taking time sir!"
My answer:
Hi _________!
Simply replace them with positive thoughts, which will then attract positive vibes.
You could also switch, however, to Pepsi Max--the drink of psychics. Joke!
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Tony Perez's Art of War: Never Reveal Who Your Real Associates Are
Your enemies believe that your friends define who you are. Therefore, never reveal who your real friends are, only your acquaintances.
There will come a time when your enemies will think that you are all alone--when they attack, they will be in for a real surprise.
There will come a time when your enemies will think that you are all alone--when they attack, they will be in for a real surprise.
Tony Perez's Art of War: Show Your Enemies A False Pasture
Mislead your enemies by showing them what pasture you appear to be on. They will covet the same location and jump in while you nimbly hop onto your real, greener pastures.
Examples of how I have done this:
--Appearing to take an interest in child psychology, to the extent of maintaining a column on child psychology in a magazine. During this time a lot of people ventured into the field, investing their time and their efforts in obtaining degrees and afterward getting stuck in school-based, counseling jobs. Little did they know that I was really exploring psychology in the service of creative writing.
--Appearing to take an avid interest in television and the movies. While other people jumped onto the bandwagon of commercial writing, I steadfastly produced literary works, and will continue to do so.
--Appearing to enjoy weekly column writing for a broadsheet. This became hard work after a time and prevented me from doing other, more interesting projects. I did it long enough for others to be attracted to it like moths to a flame. Now that they are churning out ephemera, I can write all the novels I want. As a matter of fact, I can write anything I want whenever I want, without press deadlines.
--Appearing to be obsessed with communicating with spirits. You'll be surprised at the huge number of "psychics" that cropped up. They're spending days and nights with this thankless activity, while I boosted my antique and jewelry collections and renovated my house.
Examples of how I have done this:
--Appearing to take an interest in child psychology, to the extent of maintaining a column on child psychology in a magazine. During this time a lot of people ventured into the field, investing their time and their efforts in obtaining degrees and afterward getting stuck in school-based, counseling jobs. Little did they know that I was really exploring psychology in the service of creative writing.
--Appearing to take an avid interest in television and the movies. While other people jumped onto the bandwagon of commercial writing, I steadfastly produced literary works, and will continue to do so.
--Appearing to enjoy weekly column writing for a broadsheet. This became hard work after a time and prevented me from doing other, more interesting projects. I did it long enough for others to be attracted to it like moths to a flame. Now that they are churning out ephemera, I can write all the novels I want. As a matter of fact, I can write anything I want whenever I want, without press deadlines.
--Appearing to be obsessed with communicating with spirits. You'll be surprised at the huge number of "psychics" that cropped up. They're spending days and nights with this thankless activity, while I boosted my antique and jewelry collections and renovated my house.
Night Class (Night of Saturday, December 27, 2014)
Significant Events of the Day:
Laid out the dollhouse furniture and made a dollhouse pattern for hand-knitting. I mapped out the rooms and areas of the house to correspond to dimensions of the human psyche.
Retrieved my hand-knitting materials. I had yet to identify appropriate threads.
The granddaughters and I decided to watch Dare to Dream on Tuesday rather than tomorrow.
Found my two LOTR lunchboxes and gave those to Aubrey, since she already has the Gandalf action figure in a glass vitrine and the framed Legolas poster.
The Dream:
I am teaching a class on creativity on the second floor of the old Bellarmine Hall. My students are comprised of former "Writing from The Heart" participants, former schoolmates, and young people whom I have never seen before.
The lesson for the day is on perspective, which I begin teaching by taking small, three-dimensional models of Renaissance panels: one has one window, the other, two, the last, three. I drape two models at a time and ask the class why only one panel should be exposed each time. No one can answer. N. raises his hand; he is a brilliant director and I know that he will give me an excellent answer. I give the floor to him and ask him to illustrate his answer on the blackboard. He makes a colored-chalk drawing, however, of the cover of a book.
A young woman comes in late. She is dressed wearing a deep-bronze-colored satin dress. She explains that she was in one of the university classes that I taught. I say that I do recognize her, except that she used to dress in denims all the time. She is flustered and embarrassed.
After the class N. offers to give me a ride home. It takes me time to pack my things. I go down the building and see that I am in the front driveway of the Grade School. N. is waiting for me. He asks me where I want to be dropped off. I reply, "You can drop me off anywhere," but I am hoping that he will take me to the front door of my house.
At the end of the dream I am all alone, waiting for a bus that will take me to another workshop I am conducting. The sky is overcast, the wind is strong, and I fear that a storm is coming soon.
My Notes:
My psyche is telling me to write more books rather than devote my time completely to conducting workshops.
The three-dimensional models bridge to the dollhouse furniture I was laying out.
From a precognitive point of view (the dream was about perspective after all), it seems that various people from my past will gather for a workshop I shall conduct for them. However, I was indeed conducting a workshop in the astral dimension while the participants were actually with me in their dreaming states.
I also cannot help but feel that there is some kind of warning about the weather, something terrible and unforeseen.
Laid out the dollhouse furniture and made a dollhouse pattern for hand-knitting. I mapped out the rooms and areas of the house to correspond to dimensions of the human psyche.
Retrieved my hand-knitting materials. I had yet to identify appropriate threads.
The granddaughters and I decided to watch Dare to Dream on Tuesday rather than tomorrow.
Found my two LOTR lunchboxes and gave those to Aubrey, since she already has the Gandalf action figure in a glass vitrine and the framed Legolas poster.
The Dream:
I am teaching a class on creativity on the second floor of the old Bellarmine Hall. My students are comprised of former "Writing from The Heart" participants, former schoolmates, and young people whom I have never seen before.
The lesson for the day is on perspective, which I begin teaching by taking small, three-dimensional models of Renaissance panels: one has one window, the other, two, the last, three. I drape two models at a time and ask the class why only one panel should be exposed each time. No one can answer. N. raises his hand; he is a brilliant director and I know that he will give me an excellent answer. I give the floor to him and ask him to illustrate his answer on the blackboard. He makes a colored-chalk drawing, however, of the cover of a book.
A young woman comes in late. She is dressed wearing a deep-bronze-colored satin dress. She explains that she was in one of the university classes that I taught. I say that I do recognize her, except that she used to dress in denims all the time. She is flustered and embarrassed.
After the class N. offers to give me a ride home. It takes me time to pack my things. I go down the building and see that I am in the front driveway of the Grade School. N. is waiting for me. He asks me where I want to be dropped off. I reply, "You can drop me off anywhere," but I am hoping that he will take me to the front door of my house.
At the end of the dream I am all alone, waiting for a bus that will take me to another workshop I am conducting. The sky is overcast, the wind is strong, and I fear that a storm is coming soon.
My Notes:
My psyche is telling me to write more books rather than devote my time completely to conducting workshops.
The three-dimensional models bridge to the dollhouse furniture I was laying out.
From a precognitive point of view (the dream was about perspective after all), it seems that various people from my past will gather for a workshop I shall conduct for them. However, I was indeed conducting a workshop in the astral dimension while the participants were actually with me in their dreaming states.
I also cannot help but feel that there is some kind of warning about the weather, something terrible and unforeseen.
Little boys light dangerous firecrackers because their fathers--who belong to a generation that took pride in lighting dangerous firecrackers--expect them to. As such, lighting dangerous firecrackers has become a subliminal rite of passage, a sign of masculinity, a challenge, a substitute for shooting down objects of enmity, anger, fear, shame, guilt, frustration, disappointment, rejection, failure, and other aspects of negativity in life.
To work on an effective firecracker ban, work on the FATHERS, the UNCLES, and the GRANDFATHERS, who have the money to buy pyrotechnics but no sufficient knowledge about masculinism.
It may take two more generations before firecrackers are completely relegated to public parks.
In the Philippines, lighting firecrackers has absolutely nothing to do with driving away evil spirits. Besides, even if it did, why are those spirits still present during the coming year?
To work on an effective firecracker ban, work on the FATHERS, the UNCLES, and the GRANDFATHERS, who have the money to buy pyrotechnics but no sufficient knowledge about masculinism.
It may take two more generations before firecrackers are completely relegated to public parks.
In the Philippines, lighting firecrackers has absolutely nothing to do with driving away evil spirits. Besides, even if it did, why are those spirits still present during the coming year?
Friday, December 26, 2014
I can't accept you as a student because you're a member of dubious organizations and attend dubious gatherings. You thought that you could use those groups as stepping-stones to get to me. Unfortunately they are the very reasons why you are blocked from getting to me.
Similarly, I don't entertain interviewers, researchers, and "seekers"--when they come to me, I deliberately give them wrong information.
Similarly, I don't entertain interviewers, researchers, and "seekers"--when they come to me, I deliberately give them wrong information.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Cubao is under a bright, silver sky, and the flowers in our garden are like lustrous, semi-precious stones!
Writing in my TinTin notebook on the front balcony. Directly across the street is Artery Gallery and Studio, where I often see Arvin and his partner working through their huge windows. They see me writing; I see them painting--Cubao Moulin Rouge!
I love doing nothing so much that I might extend it another year!
Writing in my TinTin notebook on the front balcony. Directly across the street is Artery Gallery and Studio, where I often see Arvin and his partner working through their huge windows. They see me writing; I see them painting--Cubao Moulin Rouge!
I love doing nothing so much that I might extend it another year!
Tony Perez's Art of War: Flaunt Your Successes
Flaunt your successes, and persist in obtaining more. They inflict wounds on your enemies more than actual weapons do.
The sun has set once more, and darkness overcomes Cubao. Tomorrow is the day after Christmas Day, and people will soon be preparing for New Year's Eve. The safest parts of the house are Aubrey's bedroom (below the roof deck) and my captain's cabin bedroom (below Aubrey's bedroom); both have concrete roofing. Need I remind the family that the police precinct and Camp Panopio Compound are just across the street and that the folks out there might get trigger-happy come midnight?
The best part of this holiday is that I am no longer rehearsing for retirement; I am already, actually retired. I no longer panic whenever I need to go to bed because I have to rise at 4:00 AM the next day.
As far as I am concerned, as of December 19, the sun commenced setting and the sun commenced rising for me and me alone.
The best part of this holiday is that I am no longer rehearsing for retirement; I am already, actually retired. I no longer panic whenever I need to go to bed because I have to rise at 4:00 AM the next day.
As far as I am concerned, as of December 19, the sun commenced setting and the sun commenced rising for me and me alone.
Spirits of deceased friends visited me today, Christmas Day. They look exactly their ages when they passed away, whereas I--I look 63 and will soon look 64. That is actually the strangest part of all.
I especially remember, among others, Citas, Augusto my grade school classmate, and my father (again). They wished me Happy Holidays.
I was doing something and I had to explain to them exactly why I was doing it.
Such spirits seldom visit the living because the living believe that, when that happens, they are next to die. The truth is, spirits don't know when everyone else will die.
I especially remember, among others, Citas, Augusto my grade school classmate, and my father (again). They wished me Happy Holidays.
I was doing something and I had to explain to them exactly why I was doing it.
Such spirits seldom visit the living because the living believe that, when that happens, they are next to die. The truth is, spirits don't know when everyone else will die.
The world is replete with competitions--in fashion, cooking, and baking, among others. It is fine to aspire to being "the best" for the prize money as long as one realizes that no one really is "the best", especially since judges are subjective.
Award winners should look around them and see that many others are ten notches above them, except that they are the very people who don't need to join competitions.
Award winners should look around them and see that many others are ten notches above them, except that they are the very people who don't need to join competitions.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Whenever it rains, all you have to do is:
1) Switch to a wet-day wardrobe and jewelry, which you should always be keeping handy because, in the Philippines, season clothing should be ready to use and not stowed way.
2) Switch to a wet-day menu and snacks.
3) Switch yo your favorite, wet-day activities
4) Engage with your favorite, wet-day friends.
1) Switch to a wet-day wardrobe and jewelry, which you should always be keeping handy because, in the Philippines, season clothing should be ready to use and not stowed way.
2) Switch to a wet-day menu and snacks.
3) Switch yo your favorite, wet-day activities
4) Engage with your favorite, wet-day friends.
Retirement is exactly as I thought it would be: gently waking up in bed after a good night's sleep, exercising in my room, enjoying a long breakfast, enjoying a long lunch, enjoying a long supper. Whenever I turn on the TV or log on to the computer I see plenty of evidence that the youth and the middle-aged are engaged in battles in the world outside. It's their turn to fight--I've had my day, and am all the wiser for it.
I light scented candles whenever I write with my favorite pens. I rearrange my things at leisure--giving or throwing stuff away, for The Hermit refuses to leave mysterious items in his wake after he dies.
One thing was totally unexpected, though: I enjoy being well-dressed at home, rotating my clothes and my jewelry.
Retirement, I guess, is no excuse to look like a slob.
I light scented candles whenever I write with my favorite pens. I rearrange my things at leisure--giving or throwing stuff away, for The Hermit refuses to leave mysterious items in his wake after he dies.
One thing was totally unexpected, though: I enjoy being well-dressed at home, rotating my clothes and my jewelry.
Retirement, I guess, is no excuse to look like a slob.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Friday, December 19, 2014
Re-organized my Rolodex and pasted on the calling cards I still value. Calling cards inevitably end up in a Rolodex--ironically, they should be made of paper and not board.
Furthermore, it is not advisable:
1) to print calling cards that are bigger than standard size or have unusual shapes; and
2) to print only one's name on the front of a calling card and the rest of the information on the back. One of the two has to make way in order to be attached to a Rolodex.
Furthermore, it is not advisable:
1) to print calling cards that are bigger than standard size or have unusual shapes; and
2) to print only one's name on the front of a calling card and the rest of the information on the back. One of the two has to make way in order to be attached to a Rolodex.
The Secret Passage (Night of December 19, 2014)
Memories of the Day:
It was supposed to be my last day at the office before my retirement, but I'd filed leave the day before and therefore stayed home.
General housecleaning for the following day's simultaneous tea parties.
Two of Aubrey's classmates stayed over to avoid having to deal with the traffic.
The Dream:
In this dream, set in the old main house, I am approximately 27, my father, approximately in his early 40s.
The main house is located not where it used to be but across EDSA.
I need to take a shower and get dressed for an appointment. My companions, presumably my colleagues who practice magic, are in the garage.
I enter my father's room; he has a guest, a Philippine Armed Forces crony, who is about to leave. I ask my father whether I may use his bathroom to take a shower. I have my bath things in my hands.
After the officer leaves, my father confides in me that he is embarrassed that he neglected to give his friend a gift for Christmas. I console him, saying that, sometimes, there is no need for friends to give each other material gifts. I remember saying, "Okey lang, kaibigan mo naman iyon, eh."
The door to my father's bathroom in this dream is the door to his built-in wardrobe which, as a child, I believed to contain many treasures and mysteries, including, of course, my father's military weapons. The door opens out onto a dark passage: to the left is the door to the bathroom and toilet, to the right, a hidden street that leads out to the center of Cubao.
After I shower, I take the barrel bolt off the door that leads to my father's room. I tell my father that he should keep the bolt so that no one on the other side can lock him in. My father turns to me with a set of toiletries and asks me if they are mine; they are not. Among them, however, is a copper bolt with a chipped end. I take this; I later discover that it is made of amber.
I go out into the dark passage once again, deciding to explore it, and lock the door behind me with a key. I decide that I want to have my father's bedroom when he dies, though I want him to live a long life.
I walk down the hidden street toward the center of Cubao. To my left is a row of cypress trees, beyond which is EDSA. To my right are mostly residential apartments. I remember my father saying, before I went out, that this passage existed long before our house was built. I am rather disappointed because it means that our house was not the first house to have risen in the district.
My Comments:
I dream about my father every time Christmas Day approaches.
The images of showering and toiletries denote rebirth, an emergence from amniotic fluid. I need to be re-born into my father's persona not only as head of family but head of Self; I now have the barrel bolt, albeit made of amber, and the key. One end of the amber bolt is chipped, representing past pain.
The secret passage that leads to the center of Cubao is a passage to the Unconscious or the Collective Unconscious. I venture to explore it, thus exploring Ocean, whence all things came into being.
It was supposed to be my last day at the office before my retirement, but I'd filed leave the day before and therefore stayed home.
General housecleaning for the following day's simultaneous tea parties.
Two of Aubrey's classmates stayed over to avoid having to deal with the traffic.
The Dream:
In this dream, set in the old main house, I am approximately 27, my father, approximately in his early 40s.
The main house is located not where it used to be but across EDSA.
I need to take a shower and get dressed for an appointment. My companions, presumably my colleagues who practice magic, are in the garage.
I enter my father's room; he has a guest, a Philippine Armed Forces crony, who is about to leave. I ask my father whether I may use his bathroom to take a shower. I have my bath things in my hands.
After the officer leaves, my father confides in me that he is embarrassed that he neglected to give his friend a gift for Christmas. I console him, saying that, sometimes, there is no need for friends to give each other material gifts. I remember saying, "Okey lang, kaibigan mo naman iyon, eh."
The door to my father's bathroom in this dream is the door to his built-in wardrobe which, as a child, I believed to contain many treasures and mysteries, including, of course, my father's military weapons. The door opens out onto a dark passage: to the left is the door to the bathroom and toilet, to the right, a hidden street that leads out to the center of Cubao.
After I shower, I take the barrel bolt off the door that leads to my father's room. I tell my father that he should keep the bolt so that no one on the other side can lock him in. My father turns to me with a set of toiletries and asks me if they are mine; they are not. Among them, however, is a copper bolt with a chipped end. I take this; I later discover that it is made of amber.
I go out into the dark passage once again, deciding to explore it, and lock the door behind me with a key. I decide that I want to have my father's bedroom when he dies, though I want him to live a long life.
I walk down the hidden street toward the center of Cubao. To my left is a row of cypress trees, beyond which is EDSA. To my right are mostly residential apartments. I remember my father saying, before I went out, that this passage existed long before our house was built. I am rather disappointed because it means that our house was not the first house to have risen in the district.
My Comments:
I dream about my father every time Christmas Day approaches.
The images of showering and toiletries denote rebirth, an emergence from amniotic fluid. I need to be re-born into my father's persona not only as head of family but head of Self; I now have the barrel bolt, albeit made of amber, and the key. One end of the amber bolt is chipped, representing past pain.
The secret passage that leads to the center of Cubao is a passage to the Unconscious or the Collective Unconscious. I venture to explore it, thus exploring Ocean, whence all things came into being.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
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