Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Gave Angelique my Shepherd's Watch Sun Dial (made after that of Eleanor of Aquitaine) and Aubrey my Shepherd's Watch Star Dial, both of them pendants designed to tell the time by the sun and by the North Star. (Actually Aubrey chose hers first.) I bought them three years ago after I saw Jess Peralta wearing identical ones when we went to Palawan.

Five years ago, on the other hand, in Banawe, Ifugao, I bought myself an Ifugao chieftain's gear (headdress, machete and sheath, spear, loincloth,  mother-of-pearl pectoral, shell sash, and robe). Angelique was a freshman high school student then, Aubrey in her early grade school years. On impulse I also bought them complete Ifugao women's clothing (skirts, blouses, head cloths, necklaces, and bracelets) just in case they would need them some day.

Yes! Angelique asked me this evening whether I had Ifugao clothes she could borrow for a group presentation at her university. We searched in one of the big trunks and I proudly gave them the sets that I bought for them. (Angelique actually inquired first about an Ifugao MAN's attire for one of her male classmates, but I refused to lend those out to a strange college boy.)

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