Thursday, January 8, 2015

People pray and perform superstitious acts to obtain:

--Good Health

Why not work in order to obtain those instead, considering that none of the above will fall from the skies into their laps?

Some helpful tips:

--Good Health: Diet, exercise, quit harmful vices, practice good hygiene, avoid stressful situations.
--Prosperity: Hunt for a good job, ensure that your income is more than your out-go, be a good employee, avoid splurging, develop your savings.
--Love: Be pleasant, be patient, love others.
--Success: Know what you want, be sure of what you want, study your resources, and go for it without harming or offending anyone, practice good PR.
--Power: Exercise good leadership, practice what you preach, be the best example to other people.

Working hard doesn't even require having a doctorate or a master's degree!

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